Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Indeterminate towards anonymous

Indeterminate towards anonymous

Let us analyze this a little and we will come to a conclusion about the truth. And, and, and… forget your suit and tie coz this one is not about appearing in the interviews. I’ll take you into a different route here. Let us consider this as your first impression about a stranger, rather a stranger’s first opinion about you.

Let us consider two scenarios. The first one where the person in front of you has no link whatsoever with you and the second one being that person is someone you know for namesake or there is a serious probability that he/she will come to know you in the near future ( due to unavoidable circumstances… of course).

In the former scenario you are free to be a bit more open about yourself and about your thoughts. You can always go an extra mile to make them feel more at home or the other way around you can just be plain mean. What will they achieve from this conversation- a fleet of thoughts about you at a later date, or a lousy joke cracked in your honor? It doesn’t matter whether they like you or not. Thai is to say that this conversation was without a consequence.

Now the latter scenario- here you can’t be very open as you might be at a disadvantage as they can use the same to manipulate you!!! Your approach here will be much more diplomatic, your conversation will be more probing to extract out information rather than providing them. This will not be an artificial conversation that you have with a long lost friend whom you met on the way and there was no time to speak, but this one will always be consequence oriented, it may not matter if the person will like you or hate you, the aim here… is that -the person must not be able to harm you.

Now put your thinking caps on. Same person responding different ways to different people under different circumstances… as always question arises- ‘Who is he/she actually is?’ On very rare occasion the actual personality will be revealed at one of the circumstances, but mostly it will be a combination of the behavior in either circumstance. But one thing you must realize is that the person opposite to you never got to see the ‘actual’ you. The chameleon in every person camouflages to different backgrounds very effectively. So in both the circumstances the first impression was ‘faulty’.

So though you spoke to two people they are as unaware of you as any other creature in the universe who haven’t met you or spoken to you, in other words you are indeterminate towards them. And…as they might be doing the same thing as you are doing…. they are still anonymous to you as before. In other words you will always be INDETERMINATE TOWARDS ANOYMOUS (i.e. almost everyone).


Anonymous said...

Indeterminate towards anonymous...Hmmm... interesting topic..certain points of interest would be....
-2 scenarios are just 2 scenarios and not THE 2 scenarios one usually sees...
-it takes a lot of care and training to be indeterminate in a conversation for an ordinary human being..that's why people are specially trained not to give themselves away in most govt. organizations.i do not deny the need of a keen observer for the above to be true but human nature is stronger in exhibiting itself at intervals...that cannot be denied...for the rest who remain confused about the identities in front of them, think again maybe u r not looking at the right spot!?!?

Whencutdeep said...

bingo!! if u saw it wud not be indeterminate anymore...wud it??! hmmm...i wonder :D