It's been a long friendship. Never missed a single moment of being together, so much so that our names become prefix/suffix to one another. Somewhere down the line your judgment towards them starts changing, you will start getting a feeling that they will always agree to whatever you say or think.... The dominant one will start making decisions concerning both without consulting the other. It is generally well taken, the for roots of this tree penetrate deep. As the time flies by a lot of changes occur, its during this time that you realise that you were 'taken for granted'.
The receiving end may not be tolerable all the time. A gasp of revolt will turn into never ending arguments. Statements will be made- 'I thought at least you would understand me!!' , '...but, you knew it all the time!'..etc. On the contrary, truth would be that you always thought they knew, you always thought they would understand, but as always they would have been unaware & quiet while suppressing their angst.
These events do pass with one consoling the other. Things may actually start looking normal but for that little thing which is already out there, that thing called 'taken for granted', it will never let you be the same..
..........People get tendencies, don't expect anything from them..........
Coursera (2013)
11 years ago